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Luxury Properties


Luxury is both to a price point AND a lifestyle.

Anne has been a player in the luxury market for the last 10 years, and she is now the Luxury Ambassador for Baird & Warner. As such, she has developed and conducted sales training sessions for offices and agents in how to sell luxury properties, acted as the liaison to Luxury Portfolio International, and is regularly called upon to provide insights for Baird & Warner’s corporate marketing staff.

Anne was asked to be a panelist at the Luxury Summit Conference, sharing her knowledge about what special marketing. tech, and sales tools are required to be a successful luxury agent. She was also chosen to be the first luxury agent to launch the “Friday Faces” video series, a program similar to Vogue’s 78 questions. Agents seek her counsel when they want to know how to access special PR in Chicago, how to launch their luxury listing, and how to create special marketing programs that set them aside as luxury agents.

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