Anne Rossley | Baird & Warner

What to Do When Your Home’s Listing Expires

If your listing expired and your home didn’t sell, it’s normal to feel frustrated and disappointed. You might also wonder what went wrong and what to do next.

Key Points to Consider

Was It Priced for Today’s Market?

Pricing your home correctly from the start is crucial. Overpricing can deter buyers and lead to a longer time on the market. Properties in downtown Chicago typically sell for 98-100% of list price – buyers may not have thought your home was priced appropriately and may have avoided making offers.

Was It Easy for Buyers to Tour?

Flexibility with showing times is vital. Restricting access can limit exposure, reducing the chances of selling. Most showings occur in the first 3 weeks of hitting the market, so maximizing viewing opportunities is essential.

Was It Set Up to Impress Buyers?

First impressions matter. Ensure your home is well-maintained and inviting. Small repairs, fresh paint, and decluttering can make a big difference. Consider staging to highlight your home’s best features. I work with the top stagers in Chicago – perhaps your home could use a light freshening, better photography/videography, or other enhancements to attract buyers.

Were You Willing to Negotiate?

Being open to negotiations can facilitate a sale. While aiming for top dollar is important, realistic expectations in a changing market are key. Let’s consider all options to find a mutually beneficial solution when an offer comes in.

Did You Listen to Your Agent?

A good agent offers valuable insights and strategies. Maybe you want to take some time off from selling, perhaps leasing is a solution, or maybe there’s another agent whose expertise can guide you in relisting successfully.

Bottom Line

If your listing expired, don’t lose hope. Connect with me, Anne Rossley, for a complimentary market analysis. There’s no obligation, just an opportunity to understand your options and decide your next steps. Let’s get your home sold!

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